SharePoint tranaction logs can get out of control so if needed run this to truncate all user database logs or just tweek it to select the @sql and run the sql for a particular database. Very simple. This will only truncate the none active portion of the transaction log so if you are running this while there is no activity then I recommend setting the initial size to be bigger than the default 1 MB after running the script or uncomment the alter database script below to change the size of the log file.
Hope this helps.
_thank you for the script to =JR=.SET NOCOUNT ONCREATE TABLE #TransactionLogFiles (DBName VARCHAR(150),LogFileName VARCHAR(150))DECLARE DBList CURSOR FORSELECT name FROM master..sysdatabasesWHERE name NOT IN ('master','tempdb','model','msdb','distribution')AND status & 512 = 0DECLARE @DB VARCHAR(100)DECLARE @SQL VARCHAR(8000)OPEN DBListFETCH NEXT FROM DBList INTO @DB WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS <> -1BEGINSET @SQL = 'USE [' + @DB + '] INSERT INTO #TransactionLogFiles(DBName, LogFileName) SELECT '''+ @DB + ''', RTRIM(Name) FROM sysfiles WHERE FileID=2'EXEC(@SQL)FETCH NEXT FROM DBList INTO @DBENDDEALLOCATE DBListDECLARE TranLogList CURSOR FORSELECT DBName, LogFileName FROM #TransactionLogFilesDECLARE @LogFile VARCHAR(100)OPEN TranLogListFETCH NEXT FROM TranLogList INTO @DB, @LogFile WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS <> -1BEGINSELECT @SQL = 'EXEC sp_dbOption [' + @DB + '], ''trunc. log on chkpt.'', ''True'''EXEC (@SQL)SELECT @SQL = 'USE [' + @DB + '] DBCC SHRINKFILE(''' + @LogFile + ''',''truncateonly'') WITH NO_INFOMSGS'EXEC (@SQL)SELECT @SQL = 'EXEC sp_dbOption [' + @DB + '], ''trunc. log on chkpt.'', ''False'''EXEC(@SQL)/*if( exists (select [name] from master..sysdatabases where @DB in ('AnalyticsReporting', 'Farm_Config')))beginSELECT @SQL = 'ALTER DATABASE[' + @DB + '] MODIFY FILE ( NAME = ' + @LogFile + ', SIZE = 8000MB ) 'EXEC(@SQL)end*/FETCH NEXT FROM TranLogList INTO @DB, @LogFileENDDEALLOCATE TranLogListDROP TABLE #TransactionLogFiles