Thursday, December 18, 2014

Troubleshoot Workflow in SharePoint 2013

Get logs from Service Bus:

Run Powershell:  Get-SBClientConfiguration
Get the Connection string.
Please download Service Bus Explorer from the below link-


you will find the Service Bus Explorer.exe tool in Service Bus Explorer\C#\bin\Debug\ folder

  1. Please run the tool as admin- > File- > connect- >Select “Enter connection String ” from the dropdown (“Service Bus Namespace”).
  2. Paste the connection string from the powershell Get-SBClientConfiguration
  3. Click on “OK”

Get logs from workflow:

-copy the command below (between the dashed lines) to a file and save as logcapture.cmd
-open command prompt and go to the folder of where you saved logcapture.cmd
-type:  logcapture start
-let it finish
-run the test/workflows, etc
-type:  logcapture stop
-your logs will be in the Logs folder

@echo off

if not exist .\Logs (

mkdir .\Logs


if /i "%1"=="stop" (

goto :Stop


if /i "%1"=="start" (

goto :StartClean


exit /b 0


ECHO Please wait...

WMIC /OUTPUT:.\logs\ProcessListE.txt PROCESS get Caption,Commandline,Processid

logman stop ServiceBusClientTracing -ets > NUL:

logman stop ServiceBusTracing -ets > NUL:

logman stop WorkflowTracing -ets > NUL:

logman stop WindowsFabric -ets > NUL:

logman stop WindowsFabricLease -ets > NUL:

wevtutil epl Application .\logs\application.evtx

wevtutil epl System .\logs\system.evtx

wevtutil epl Security .\logs\security.evtx

IF NOT EXIST "C:\Program files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\15\LOGS\NUL" GOTO END

FOR /F %%i IN ('dir /b /a-d-h /o-d "C:\Program files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\15\LOGS" ') DO (

SET a=%%i

goto :COPY



SET b="C:\Program files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\15\LOGS\"

SET file=%b%%a%

Copy %file% .\Logs\ > nul 2>&1


ECHO The command completed successfully.

exit /b 0


ECHO Please wait...

del /F /S /Q .\Logs\*.* > NUL:

logman stop ServiceBusClientTracing -ets > NUL:

logman stop ServiceBusETWTracing -ets > NUL:

logman stop WorkflowETWTracing -ets > NUL:

logman stop WindowsFabric -ets > NUL:

logman stop WindowsFabricLease -ets > NUL:

REM cscript //nologo productlist.vbs > .\logs\productlist.txt

wmic /OUTPUT:.\logs\productlist.txt product get Description,Version,InstallDate

wmic /OUTPUT:.\logs\hotfixlist.txt qfe get HotFixID,Description,InstalledOn

WMIC /OUTPUT:.\logs\ProcessListS.txt PROCESS get Caption,Commandline,Processid

REM logman start ServiceBusClientTracing -p "Microsoft-ServiceBus-Client" 0xFF0000000000 0x4 -nb 256 1024 -bs 512 -ets -ct perf -f bincirc -max 1000 -o .\Logs\ServiceBusClientTrace.etl

logman start ServiceBusClientTracing -p {a307c7a2-a4cd-4d22-8093-94db72934152} -bs 64 -nb 120 320 -ets -ct perf -f bincirc -max 1000 -o .\Logs\ServiceBusClientTrace.etl


REM logman start ServiceBusTracing -p "Microsoft-ServiceBus" 0xFF0000000000 0x4 -nb 256 1024 -bs 512 -ets -ct perf -f bincirc -max 1000 -o .\Logs\ServiceBusTrace.etl

logman start ServiceBusTracing -p {3d05219e-3959-41c4-a2a7-ea6ca5b5c257} -bs 64 -nb 120 320 -ets -ct perf -f bincirc -max 1000 -o .\Logs\ServiceBusTrace.etl

logman start WorkflowTracing -p {B2885F6E-231C-43FF-BBEA-7516148FF6FE} -bs 64 -nb 120 320 -ets -ct perf -f bincirc -max 1000 -o .\Logs\WorkflowTrace.etl

logman start WindowsFabric -p {CBD93BC2-71E5-4566-B3A7-595D8EECA6E8} -bs 64 -nb 120 320 -ets -ct perf -f bincirc -max 1000 -o .\Logs\WindowsFabric.etl

logman start WindowsFabricLease -p {3F68B79E-A1CF-4B10-8CFD-3DFE322F07CB} -bs 64 -nb 120 320 -ets -ct perf -f bincirc -max 1000 -o .\Logs\WindowsFabricLease.etl


exit /b 0

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