Thursday, December 18, 2014

Microsoft.ServiceBus.Messaging.MessagingException: The current SQL store provider assembly is out-of-date and no longer compatible with the installed SQL logic and schema. Update the SQL store provider assembly to version '' or greater

When ever you see this error:  Microsoft.ServiceBus.Messaging.MessagingException: The current SQL store provider assembly is out-of-date and no longer compatible with the installed SQL logic and schema. Update the SQL store provider assembly to version '' or greater

That means you'll need to install the higher version of the Workflow Manager. 

Troubleshoot Workflow in SharePoint 2013

Get logs from Service Bus:

Run Powershell:  Get-SBClientConfiguration
Get the Connection string.
Please download Service Bus Explorer from the below link-


you will find the Service Bus Explorer.exe tool in Service Bus Explorer\C#\bin\Debug\ folder

  1. Please run the tool as admin- > File- > connect- >Select “Enter connection String ” from the dropdown (“Service Bus Namespace”).
  2. Paste the connection string from the powershell Get-SBClientConfiguration
  3. Click on “OK”

Get logs from workflow:

-copy the command below (between the dashed lines) to a file and save as logcapture.cmd
-open command prompt and go to the folder of where you saved logcapture.cmd
-type:  logcapture start
-let it finish
-run the test/workflows, etc
-type:  logcapture stop
-your logs will be in the Logs folder

@echo off

if not exist .\Logs (

mkdir .\Logs


if /i "%1"=="stop" (

goto :Stop


if /i "%1"=="start" (

goto :StartClean


exit /b 0


ECHO Please wait...

WMIC /OUTPUT:.\logs\ProcessListE.txt PROCESS get Caption,Commandline,Processid

logman stop ServiceBusClientTracing -ets > NUL:

logman stop ServiceBusTracing -ets > NUL:

logman stop WorkflowTracing -ets > NUL:

logman stop WindowsFabric -ets > NUL:

logman stop WindowsFabricLease -ets > NUL:

wevtutil epl Application .\logs\application.evtx

wevtutil epl System .\logs\system.evtx

wevtutil epl Security .\logs\security.evtx

IF NOT EXIST "C:\Program files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\15\LOGS\NUL" GOTO END

FOR /F %%i IN ('dir /b /a-d-h /o-d "C:\Program files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\15\LOGS" ') DO (

SET a=%%i

goto :COPY



SET b="C:\Program files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\15\LOGS\"

SET file=%b%%a%

Copy %file% .\Logs\ > nul 2>&1


ECHO The command completed successfully.

exit /b 0


ECHO Please wait...

del /F /S /Q .\Logs\*.* > NUL:

logman stop ServiceBusClientTracing -ets > NUL:

logman stop ServiceBusETWTracing -ets > NUL:

logman stop WorkflowETWTracing -ets > NUL:

logman stop WindowsFabric -ets > NUL:

logman stop WindowsFabricLease -ets > NUL:

REM cscript //nologo productlist.vbs > .\logs\productlist.txt

wmic /OUTPUT:.\logs\productlist.txt product get Description,Version,InstallDate

wmic /OUTPUT:.\logs\hotfixlist.txt qfe get HotFixID,Description,InstalledOn

WMIC /OUTPUT:.\logs\ProcessListS.txt PROCESS get Caption,Commandline,Processid

REM logman start ServiceBusClientTracing -p "Microsoft-ServiceBus-Client" 0xFF0000000000 0x4 -nb 256 1024 -bs 512 -ets -ct perf -f bincirc -max 1000 -o .\Logs\ServiceBusClientTrace.etl

logman start ServiceBusClientTracing -p {a307c7a2-a4cd-4d22-8093-94db72934152} -bs 64 -nb 120 320 -ets -ct perf -f bincirc -max 1000 -o .\Logs\ServiceBusClientTrace.etl


REM logman start ServiceBusTracing -p "Microsoft-ServiceBus" 0xFF0000000000 0x4 -nb 256 1024 -bs 512 -ets -ct perf -f bincirc -max 1000 -o .\Logs\ServiceBusTrace.etl

logman start ServiceBusTracing -p {3d05219e-3959-41c4-a2a7-ea6ca5b5c257} -bs 64 -nb 120 320 -ets -ct perf -f bincirc -max 1000 -o .\Logs\ServiceBusTrace.etl

logman start WorkflowTracing -p {B2885F6E-231C-43FF-BBEA-7516148FF6FE} -bs 64 -nb 120 320 -ets -ct perf -f bincirc -max 1000 -o .\Logs\WorkflowTrace.etl

logman start WindowsFabric -p {CBD93BC2-71E5-4566-B3A7-595D8EECA6E8} -bs 64 -nb 120 320 -ets -ct perf -f bincirc -max 1000 -o .\Logs\WindowsFabric.etl

logman start WindowsFabricLease -p {3F68B79E-A1CF-4B10-8CFD-3DFE322F07CB} -bs 64 -nb 120 320 -ets -ct perf -f bincirc -max 1000 -o .\Logs\WindowsFabricLease.etl


exit /b 0

Monday, December 15, 2014

Convert an ETL file to a readable CSV file

tracerpt filename.etl -o output.csv -of CSV