Monday, December 30, 2019

Fix "Network busy on Windows, please try again" error with PDANet on Windows 10

So this is an interesting error, there is no reason why this starts failing after working without any issues but the main culprit is the firewall (check your virus software firewall setting) that does not allow you to connect to the wifi:

to fix:

  1. turn off firewall on windows or virus software 
  2. turn on wifi on PDANet mobile app
  3. connect from Windows machine
  4. should connect without any issues
  5. turn on firewall which should now include your wifi connection information in the networks settings if not, you will need to add. 
So if you encounter this error again then you know that the firewall setting is the cause. 

Monday, January 28, 2019

Powershell to replace string in infopath in SharePoint Document library

So here is a simple/dirty script to update the files in your document library.  this particular script is for infopath documents with the template pointing to the wrong url after a migration

Add-PSSnapin *sharepoint* -EA SilentlyContinue

$web = Get-SpWeb https://url

#find your list (your call on what method to use
$list = $web.Lists[0] 

$oldstring = "https://url/libraryname/Forms/template.xsn"

$newstring = "https://url/Newlibraryname/Forms/template.xsn"

foreach($i in $list.Items)
     $data = [System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetString($i.File.OpenBinary())
         $data = $data.Replace($oldstring, $newstring)


Calling SharePoint from Adobe Experience manager workflow issues and lessons learned

AEM or Adobe Experience Manager (on jboss) has an out of the box activities to connect to SharePoint and upload files and update properties.

There are a few configuration issues in the documentation and a bug (verson 6.4).

NTLM authenticate does not work.   Only Basic or kerberos works. 

if you are having issues with the SSL call to sharepoint from AEM activity in the Process Design tool:

  1. user name always needs to have the domain name\username 
    1. yes, the domain name field still needs to be filled in. 
  2. the admin UI for the Trust Store Management/Certificates for root certs, this does not put the root cert chain to the certificate chain store. 
    1. it needs to be in the aemformses.keystore
    2. you will need the password that you used when you configured the AEM server for the certificate if you chose use SSL for the jboss.
    3. you will need to run the command: keytool -import -trustcacerts -keystore "AEM install location\jboss\standalone\configuration\aemformses.keystore" -file "location of root cert\Name of cert.cer"
      1. type in you keypass or you can add the -keypass to above command with the password (from line above)
errors you will see if this is not configured correctly:

  • PKIX path building failure
  • unable to find valid certificate path to requested target