Thursday, September 1, 2016

Report Builder: Unable to install this application

When you encounter an error trying to edit your report and the error states that you can not install the REPORTBUILDER:


System.Deployment.Application.DeploymentException (Subscription)
  - Unable to install this application because an application with the same identity is already installed. To install this application, either modify the manifest version for this application or uninstall the preexisting application.
  - Source: System.Deployment
  - Stack trace:
   at System.Deployment.Application.SubscriptionStore.CheckApplicationPayload(CommitApplicationParams commitParams)
   at System.Deployment.Application.SubscriptionStore.CommitApplication(SubscriptionState& subState, CommitApplicationParams commitParams)
   at System.Deployment.Application.ApplicationActivator.InstallApplication(SubscriptionState& subState, ActivationDescription actDesc)
   at System.Deployment.Application.ApplicationActivator.PerformDeploymentActivation(Uri activationUri, Boolean isShortcut, String textualSubId, String deploymentProviderUrlFromExtension, BrowserSettings browserSettings, String& errorPageUrl)
   at System.Deployment.Application.ApplicationActivator.ActivateDeploymentWorker(Object state)


Solution is to rather then change the config or manifest file.   Delete the Clickonce application files on your desktop or machine that you are working on located:


Here is the example of the folders/files that you need to delete.  the command line is as follows:

del C:\Users\masteroftheUniverse\AppData\Local\Apps\2.0\TN076DJP.QJ2\TDNJXD8N.KQ1\*.*

then try to edit the report again, no issues.